Bharal Adventure
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Maha Shivaratri

Shivaratri is one of the greatest festival for Hindu. This festival defines as the night of the Lord Shiva. There is a Shivaratri in every luni-solar month of the Hindu calendar, on the month’s 13th night/14th day, but once a year in late winter (February/March, or phalguna). It is believed that this day is also celebrated for overcoming the darkness and ignorance of people’s life. Maha Shivaratri is usually celebrated in night rather than in the day. However, we can find several peoples who celebrate the festival from early morning.

Several Womens do fasting so that they can get a husband like Lord Shiva. Not only womens but nowadays men also do the same so that they will get a loyal and wonderful wife. No matter what your problems are, this day everyone enjoy to their fullest. Well, blocking the way and asking for money is one of the best parts for kids.

As everyone might know Lord Shiva takes Cannabis (Ganja) himself. So, several people on this day take Cannabis and stay cool this day. We can see several Baba’s in the temples that stay naked and pray for god sakes. This festival comes only once a year that’s the reason people celebrate this festival to their fullest. Several people go to the temple in this day for worshipping Lord Shiva. This festival carries an important role in the history of Hinduism. Maha Shivaratri brings joy and happiness to people’s’ life. We can find some people rarely who don’t celebrate this festival. Not only in Nepal, is this festival renowned across the World. Bharal Adventure assures you best hospitality and quality services in reasonable cost. Therefore, Lets travel with local experts.

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